Welcome to the BeaEngine Sweet Home - x86 x86-64 disassembler library - (IA-32 & Intel64)


BeaEngine x86-64 disassembler library

BeaEngine is a library coded in C under LGPL3 license. The "Library package" contains numerous examples to demonstrate how is working this lib, headers in C, Delphi, masm, nasm, fasm, GoAsm and Python. Actually under heavy development, you can view the project on github :

Coder : BeatriX

Github repository

LDE64 x86 version

This tool is a LDE ( Length Disassembler Engine ) for 32 bits windows plateforms. It is based on BeaEngine and is able to decode instruction in 32 bits and 64 bits architectures. It is a relocatable engine. You don't have to initialise it because it is not compressed. This archive contains LDE64 and some examples

Coder : BeatriX

LDE64 x64 version

This tool is a LDE ( Length Disassembler Engine ) for 64 bits windows plateforms. It is based on BeaEngine and is able to decode instruction in 32 bits and 64 bits architectures. It is a relocatable engine. You don't have to initialise it because it is not compressed. This archive contains LDE64 and some examples

Coder : BeatriX

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